Our Story
I’m Neal Goulet, the founder of Stay Apparel Co. I was born on July 2, arguably the real Independence Day.
Stay Apparel Co. grew out of my passion for American-made products. Stay suggests a sense of place, both in terms of our commitment to ‘Made in the USA’ and the designs on our tees.
We want customers to feel that they aren’t just buying ink on fabric. We want you to invest with your heart and mind in addition to your dollars knowing that buying U.S.-made is good for American jobs and communities and the environment. And in these polarized times, these are things all of us can rally behind.
When you buy a Stay tee, a ball cap or knit hat, a tote bag or felt pennant, or one of our gift items, you can rest assured that everything we sell is 'Made in the USA’ and always will be!